Friday, May 27, 2016

DOWNLOAD BikeComputer Pro APK ( Mod )

DOWNLOAD BikeComputer Pro APK ( Mod )

BikeComputer Pro is a set of characteristics of one of the best appliions for cycling. The Pro version extends the free version with the following ftures :

✓ New: change instructions GPX import cargo

✓ New: Bluetooth 4.0 support straps (low energy ) hrt rate

✓ New: sync - plan a route on the tablet, synchronize and track your phone

✓ turn instructions : the appliion indies when making a turn

✓ rotation maps: the map follows the direction of the region have always come to the top

✓ Comments Audio - BikeComputer Pro tells you the average speed , the current elevation , remaining distance in training track , ascent , hrt rate and the ar , when you have lost the true trail and other information

✓ title or GPX POI import and track from a friend on the map

✓ Go home! When exploring a new ar or are vaioning Use this function to obtain a calculated route to the house immediately

✓ Take pictures or save waypoints during your turn

✓ Srch and add loions to the route

✓ Use barometric sensor to obtain precise data on elevation changes (if the device has it)

✓ Change the font size of the offline map and font size settings of Conduct

✓ continue a session even after changing reboot / battery

✓ offline routing - you can plan your session also offline

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